These hints are listed in the order you need to complete them

Take a break and have some coffee… Anything can be clickable.

Remember to look everywhere on a page. Pages scroll and email addresses can be found at any not found page… 

Clicking on the coffee at the bottom of will take you to The defense minister email address can be found at the bottom of this page:

2) Mail Login Password

Head to “about” on cornono military website, you are looking to work out what year the CURRENT leader was born in. It requires some reading and maths to figure it out.

Maths is hard, we get it… Write down these key hidden figures on a piece of paper to try and work out the answer.  X =?, Y =? and Z=? are numbers for you to work out. 

The first leader Ding was 54 when he died. He ruled for 23 years. So he was X when he took over in 1952.

Wing was born to wife Y within the single year she was married to Ding. This means Ding was Z = X + Y years old when Wing was born. The date Wing was born is 1952 + Y

Hong (current leader) was born when Wing was Z years old. So the year he was born is Z years after the year Wing was born. 

The short answer is: 1999
Read below for why…

The first leader Ding was 54 when he died. He ruled for 23 years. So he was 31 when he took over in 1952.
We know each wife only lasted a year and that the next leader, Wing his son was born from his 8th wife, so 8 years after taking control. This makes Ding 31 + 8 = 39 years old when Wing was born in the year 1952 + 8 =1960.
We know the current leader  Hong was born when Wing was 39 (the same age Ding was when Wing was born).
This means Hong was born 1960 + 39 = 1999

Make sure to carefully read all the emails and follow any links.

3) Military Login Username Part 1

You are looking for the full name of the defence minister. Make sure you open all the links in the emails to other websites!

He has booked a journey on a travel site. Maybe we can find some of his details there!

We need to do a few more steps before we can get his name.
Lets start by going to the travel site found in the second email of the mail inbox.

4) Travel Login

Whats his favourite drink? Read his email from his friend about the restaurant. Might be worth looking at a menu…

Restaurant maths
Total is $68. Minus the apple cider chicken -$30 = $38

Which signature dish and drink add up to $38?

That’s his drink!

Password: Krombacher

5) Military Login Username Part 2

Once logged into travel site, See his surname “hello Mr …”
Still missing his first name.

Check previous bookings. Where did he go last year?

Snoop around on the travel home page. Maybe he left a review from his last holiday with his first name…

His full name is Pyong Hon

He went to Greece with his wife and left a review at the bottom of the homepage.

6) Military Website Password

Check the travel booking. How many are travelling? His email said he is going with his wife and kids…

Why do you think Ping is one of his sons?

Read his sent email to Mom.

On restaurant home page click “about”. 

Who is the assistant chef?

Read the email from Hong Chunk and watch the propaganda video. Now you know what his son looks like and who made the virus?

Read his sent mail to Hong. Examine the photo. Who is that scientist? Can you zoom in on the name?

The password: changjong

His older son is the assistant chef at Zakra restaurant and is called Chang

His younger son is the chief scientist who developed the virus and is called Jong.


What is each number being multiplied by? Write it down and see if you can see a pattern.

The sequence is not complete, the question number is not the next number in the sequence! Keep doing the sequence until you get to the questioned number!!!

Follow the 1st sequence:









That gives you the first 2 digits of the password. Do the same for the other sequence to get the last 2 digits.


8) Disarm Button

Go to the “about” (Wekepedia) page and look at the cornonese alphabet.

Work it out yourself…You can do it

Press – るわみゆ ねあをほおせ  (the button on the right)

Then Press – みな  (also the button on the right)